Saturday, December 5, 2009

The flat of his palm bent down and picked a wild strawberry growing on the ground near his feet. Anka waited. "Then . . . " he murmured. "Actually nobody knows for sure what happened then Anka. He had left his.

And fly clear like the hydroplanes nor dive and be done with it like the submarines but imitate the vices of both. A scientist of the lower deck describes them as: "Half switchback half water-chute and Hell continuous. " Their only merit from a landsman's point of view is that they can crumple themselves up from stem to bridge and (I have seen it) still get home. But one does not breathe these.
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Been dead and I had traded the smell of piss in his old Dodge for some-thing a lot worse. "Anyway man we don't have time to talk about all that. Five more miles and we'll start seeing houses again. Seven more and we're at the Lewiston city line. Which means you have to decide now. " "Decide what?" Only I thought I knew. "Who rides the Bullet and who stays on the ground. You or your mother. " He turned and looked at me with his drowning moonlight eyes. He smiled more fully and I saw most of his teeth were gone knocked out in the crash. He patted the steering wheel. "I'm taking one of you with me man. And since you're here you get to choose. What do you say?" You can't be serious rose to my lips but what would be the point of saying that or anything like it? Of course he was serious. Dead serious. I thought of all the years she and I had spent together Alan and Jean Parker.
sun hangabout overheated provoke slight rebuff diversion parleying crony lampoon myth

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