Saturday, December 5, 2009

The wound was bleeding freely although it wasn't spurting and she directed the nurse to stanch the flow with gauze pads soaked in boric acid. He was going to be all right. Sure of Bryce's condition Jenny turned to the man on the floor. He.

Only a death-like numbness that allowed no further clear thinking. I came ever closer to the red ring of the danger zone. I felt only that death was waiting for me there. I was no longer capable of any actual feeling. I was like a deeply religious man waiting for his death calmly and serenely..
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Breeze seemed to touch their faces. The breeze carried a dreadful odor with it. "What's that stink?" Silk asked wrinkling his sharp nose. "The slave pens most likely " Belgarath replied. "Murgos are lax about sanitation. " "The pens are under Rak Cthol aren't they?" Barak asked. Belgarath nodded. "And they open up into the city itself?" "As I remember it they do. " "You've done it Relg " Barak said clapping the Ulgo on the shoulder. "Don't touch me " Reig told him. "Sorry Relg. " "The slave pens are going to be guarded " Belgarath told them. "We'll want to be very quiet now. " They crept on up the passageway being careful where they put their feet. Garion was not certain at what point the gallery began to show evidence of human construction..
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